News Blog

New Port Hadlock Location!
click We are now completely moved out of Port Townsend, after 28 years, and have landed in our new World Headquarters in Port Hadlock. The new address is 811 Ness Corner Road, Port Hadlock WA 98339. The phone number is the same, 360-379-1713. We are featuring artwork from all the same artists as ever, and we
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Driftwood Santa Carvings Hand-carved Driftwood Santas are here for the 2024 holiday season. Crafted with love by a wonderful Oregon artist. Prices range from $175 to $210. Sizes range from 11 inches to 20 inches. We ship these to any where!
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Legend of the Grouse
Order Tramadol With Mastercard The dancing grouse has primal connection to the land. The Grouse not only matters as an indicator of our environment’s health. It forms a primal connection to the land and its inhabitants for centuries. It needs space and protection: Ideally, a lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) needs 25,000 contiguous acres of appropriate habitat to meet its
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Cabin Fever? Check out the Redwood Shed!
go to link We just made a special purchase of dozens of gorgeous California Redwood bases and curly and burl tops for coffee tables, end tables, and benches, large and small. Get a top and base of your choice for a nice redwood table that is completely unique. Have us do the finishing, or bring it home for
Hairpin Legs
source url Stylish, quick to install, durable! Hairpin legs offer so many benefits. They can be powder coated, are easy to prime and paint, and also look perfect as-is. Iconic midcentury style goes with anything. Read all about them here! The three sizes are: 16″ (coffee table or bench) 22″ (side table or seating) 28″ (perfect table