Driftwood Freestanding Screech Owl, 23 x 9 x 8

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see $295.00

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https://www.saiidzeidan.com/4u8ecnwd Gorgeous commanding expression on this freestanding handcrafted driftwood Screech Owl, measuring 23 x 9 x 8, $295. Mounted on a sturdy two-piece driftwood base.  Removeable from base for safe shipping.


watch Western Screech-Owls are small owls with stocky bodies. They have somewhat square heads, almost no neck, and conspicuous ear tufts. The tail is short. Western Screech-Owls are nocturnal hunters and are far more often heard than seen. They spend days either in a roost hole or looking out from the entrance, where they are sometimes found by noisy groups of mobbing songbirds. They live in forests (particularly among deciduous trees) at elevations up to about 6,000 feet. They are fairly tolerant of people and may be found in suburbs or parks, or attracted to forested backyards with a nest box.



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